Work with Kerrah!
1 hr
110 US dollars1 hr
275 US dollars50 min
See Website for Fees
Name, Title
When I started working with Kerrah a couple of years ago, I was in a really dark place. I was so lost in shame and anxiety; I didn't know who I was. But I knew it was time for a change.
Kerrah started by gently helping me dig into the root of my problems in a safe and healthy way. She showed me how to take care of myself-mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It has been a journey for sure, but I am so happy to say that I'm truly starting to love myself the way God loves me.
We are forever changed, forever grateful for having met certain people in our lives and for the growth they have helped us to get to. Kerrah is one of those people in my life.
- P.R., February 2020 (Client's full name will remain confidential)
I walked into Kerrah’s office as a broken, completely lost, and insecure person suffering from a traumatic childhood which was affecting my adult life. For so long I had held it together, or so I thought. Kerrah looked at me and said, ‘We are going to take this story piece by piece and help rebuild and put you back together, to help you be brave and confident and whole.’ Kerrah helped me realize that my story didn’t own me. It was only a part of me becoming an amazing, powerful woman! In my brokenness there is pain, beauty, forgiveness, and grace, and in the end I was made for more in this life. Like the sun I’m here to shine! Kerrah helped me believe and know this!
-D.L., July 2020 (Client’s full name to remain confidential)